スーザン・ペターセンのインスタグラム(suzannpettersen) - 4月9日 21時55分

It’s with a heavy heart I received the news that Marilynn Smith , one of the 12 founders of the LPGA passed away this morning ! You were a true inspiration and I admire your enthusiasm and passion for the game of golf! I will forever remember all the times you came out to the course to watch me play and cheer me on! Your dedication and love of LPGA will never be forgotten! Yesterday I sent u a picture of my little son together with some get well wishes , and I got a smile back from you! I will always remember that and it warms my heart! You always had time for everybody!! Thank you for all the cards and encouraging words along the way, rest in peace! 😘 #celebratingMarilynn


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