JR・ボーンのインスタグラム(jrbourne1111) - 4月11日 08時38分

I accept @エマニュエル・シュリーキー challenge to help bring awareness to the fact that nearly 8 IN 10 #LGBTQ students experience verbal harassment in our schools. Such harassment silences our youth, preventing them from thriving in that environment. This Friday, April 12, thousands of students will join the #DayofSilence, the largest student-led national protest in support of safe & inclusive schools, supported by @GLSEN.
This silent video is in support of #DayofSilence - I now challenge @イアン・ボーエン @リチャード・ハーモン and @タイラー・ポジー to make their own silent video & donate $10 to @GLSEN at glsen.org/silence (link in bio) -- AND TO CHALLENGE 3 MORE FRIENDS!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



