Arden Roseのインスタグラム(ardenrose) - 4月15日 04時52分

Look at this skin bitch!!! I could be a dermatology model!! Here’s what I have to say about acne/accutane since everyone has an opinion. Acne sucks. Acne sucks in a way that’s so hard for people who don’t deal with it to understand. It erodes your self esteem and becomes the only thing you can think about. I didn’t want to lay my face on my boyfriends shoulder or let him touch it when we kissed because I was afraid I would breakout. I changed my diet every couple months thinking it would help. I went on birthcontrol, I went off birthcontrol. I had facials, and peels, and masks, and spent probably thousands to fix it. I was depressed last year for various reasons but my acne did NOT help. I was convinced it was connected to my hormones and my mental health. I would have done ANYTHING to fix it. So I did! I went on accutane despite my medical phobia and the hundreds of people who told me it was dangerous. Because honestly, FUCK ACNE. And it FUCKING WORKED. What the actual fuck. Even if this doesn’t last forever, I can’t tell you how much this has helped me. I feel like myself again and I haven’t been completely acne free in ten years. Since I was 14 years old! Accutane was a miracle for me. Just thought I’d put that out there for anyone who has felt too ashamed to take it, or like your acne isn’t “bad enough” to justify such a harsh treatment. It sucks, it makes you feel bad, it makes you depressed, it makes your joints hurt, but ohhh my god would I do it again in a heartbeat.


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