デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 4月16日 08時56分

I’ve worked with this guy @frostytheshowman for a lot of years, actually since we were both kids sitting at the Cosmic Diner in NYC talking about taking over the world & having no clue the amount of taxes that success would instigate. Haha.
We formulated plots. We changed how the touring industry functioned to the point new departments had to form. I’ve always been pleased to say I’ve had jobs created for people to work and make money for their lives and families. We built relationships with so many people and hired so many more to help make these tours massive and entertaining. Not to mention threw a lot of “unknown” artists on these shows to boost their visibility. These were the things I wanted and these are the things Matt helped me to bring to fruition.
He was one of the first people I shared my idea for doing shows in the round and how to film it and showcase it. The style you see being used by some of today’s top comedians (@ケビン・ハート @sebastiancomedy) I thought of that sitting a burger joint and drew the first concept. Nothing makes me prouder than to see other artists follow suit and take it to new levels knowing I brought it back to the forefront because it’s more dynamic than a standard stage I think for visually presenting it to viewers at home.
For a number of years we couldn’t work together due to agency difference but for the last few years we are both with @CAAfoundation & our next phase is in progress. This years tour with #LiveNation has been one part of the new big picture. I’m at my very best right now in terms of stand up comedy. It’s fucking cool to still be making this dream truck on with a pal like Frosty to check boxes with.
#DaneTrain #TellItLikeItIsTour #ComedyIdeas #SUperFIngerEntertainment #NewPaths #NewerPathes #NewestPathes #Bosses #Brothers


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