ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 4月17日 05時02分

“The language police is a hard thing to deal with if you are creative,” the writer Bret Easton Ellis said. Bret — the author of “American Psycho” — “is no stranger to bad publicity,” @nytbooks reporter @laurenchristensen writes. “Ever since his 1985 debut, ‘Less Than Zero,’ made him a literary sensation, his violently nihilistic fiction and his politically incorrect public persona have earned him as much fury as acclaim.” Now @BretEastonEllis, 55, has published his first book in 9 years — and his nonfiction debut — an essay collection called “White.” Its topics include Bret’s unsupervised childhood, his critiques of Hollywood, President Trump and the digital echo chamber. Not everybody is going to like it. He doesn’t care. “I feel very loose about this,” he said. “This is kind of a book for a Bret Easton Ellis completist.” @ryanpfluger shot this photo. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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