クリスチャン・ストールティのインスタグラム(christianstolte) - 4月18日 07時58分

That wraps up 7 seasons — 159 episodes — of hard work, hard laughs, and more than a few heartbreaks, with my magnificent friends. The tip of that iceberg is pictured here — an apt metaphor, as they are the most visible part of that collective. Not pictured are our writers, producers, directors, and crew, and I tip my hat and offer a toast to one and all. You’ll not find a finer group of humans with whom to spend ungodly-long hours under often-unkind conditions. I am grateful for their companionship.
It’s staggering, what we’ve been through together; there’s no way I’d have lasted this long without their exceptional good humor.
Cheers, my friends. Revel in your time off, lord knows you’ve earned it. I hope to see you all in Season 8.
@annieilonzeh @msmayoalldayo @yursar @joeminoso @デビッド・エイゲンバーグ @テイラー・キニー @randyflagler @danielkyri @karebearacares


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