シンドゥ・プサルラのインスタグラム(pvsindhu1) - 4月19日 14時54分

Any Sport has it's own language, and it can speaks for itself. I think, It's a language of hope and unity. A sports person representing his/her own country will draw attention of the entire country, who unite to cheer up and support regardless of any differences! That’s always a moving gesture. While the commoners see only the winning or loosing part of a match, the reality is, there is a whole lot of mental preparation and physical training that goes behind it every single day of a sports person’s life! The only hope and love here is ‘learning to be the best’! More than winning or to become a top athlete, I always hope to bring change in the lives of every single man and woman by inspiring them with my best performance. I always believe "anything is Possible". Happy to join #teamlining alongside other champs! Thank you @lining.india for the support and contribution to the world of sport #teamlining


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