レオン・エルスのインスタグラム(leonelse) - 4月21日 04時33分

Watching the Notre Dame going up in flames & being almost destroyed was so sad & devastating. Something so iconic, a symbol, an important piece of history would of been lost had the amazing firefighters not put out the fire.
It’s also so inspiring how many billionaires jumped immediately into action pledging hundreds of millions of dollars/pounds to restore and rebuild Notre dame. It’s incredible and inspiring how these people with the funds to be able to do this, saw the importance and urgency of saving Notre Dame.

But for me one question weighs heavy on my mind, what about planet earth?

We are pledging to save Notre dame and rightly so. But what about the bigger problem here. Why arent we all so quick to pledge and save planet earth. The place we all live. The place that Notre dame is built on. Without earth, there is no Notre dame. There is no us.
We sometimes don’t see the danger we are in, until literally something is up in flames or being destroyed right before our eyes. A little too late.
Our world, our home is dying. Earth is not a building where we can put out a fire, rebuild and restore and all will be ok again.This is a much much bigger, much more dangerous and a much more devastating issue.
We need billionaires, we need governments and we need YOU. For us all to stand together, to look at the bigger picture, to help save this beautiful place we called Earth, we call home, before it’s TOO LATE. Before it dies. If the earth dies, everything else does too, and all the rebuilding buildings of importance will be in vain because none of us will be here to see them.
If we all make small changes in our lifestyles we can make a really big difference. You all want your children and future generations to live and prosper, right? Then change has to start with us.
I don’t mean to rant & I certainly don’t want to be condescending to anyone. I just love my planet & all the things on it, I am not perfect, but I’m trying to make changes to my life for the better of everyone and everything.
I want to take this opportunity to thank & praise all those people fighting to save our planet & all the beautiful living things that call this place home. Love you guys❤️


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