リー・シェンロンのインスタグラム(leehsienloong) - 4月22日 11時38分

Water is Singapore’s most precious natural resource. Our water travels a long way and goes through a lot before it pours from our taps, clean and drinkable.

Since independence, we’ve invested in new technologies, and diversified our water sources to include NEWater and desalinated water. We can do much more to ensure a sustainable water supply for our children and future generations. Simple steps like turning off the tap when you brush your teeth, or turning off the shower when soaping, go a long way.

Today is Earth Day, a time to remind ourselves to protect our precious resources and celebrate our beautiful planet. Enjoy this video by @pubsingapore on the many steps of a water droplet’s journey from the skies to our taps, and do be mindful when you turn on the tap. Every small action counts. – LHL

#MakeEveryDropCount 💧


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