レイシー・バンハードのインスタグラム(lacey_shameela) - 4月24日 05時35分

What are you currently manifesting into your life? ✨

Every few years I like to sit down and write exactly where my life is, the good the bad and the ugly.

With my birthday coming up it’s usually the perfect time for me. My life has drastically changed the last year, with having a baby and buying/renovating our house so it’s time to sit down and GET REAL, I hope you’ll join me in this task ✨

You are the creator of your reality. Which means you’re already manifesting what is coming into your life. Not always a nice realisation if your life isn’t going the way you have planned. It’s okay I’ve been there many of times. I totally get it 🙋🏽‍♀️. What I love about that thought though, is if I can create such destruction imagine what beautiful things I can also create.

Now alone this is a hard task, I went to an amazing retreat this weekend, which taught me that alone we can not do much, but with god or whatever that might be to you/universe/higher power etc. You can create your dream life.

YOU + GOD = a powerful co-creator.

It all just starts in your mind and what you BELIEVE. What you’re telling yourself on a daily basis that is holding YOU back!

So I write down all the great things in my year all the things I have achieved and accomplished when I really thought I wouldn’t.

Then I go to the not so good parts that I have also created, the dramas, the money problems, car accidents whatever that may be for you (I have attracted all of these at some point in my life 😅). Then I write what is it that I believe that is holding me back or that has created all of the things above. I am not good enough, I don’t deserve, I don’t have time- just a few ideas.

Now to change! What am I focusing on, on a daily basis am I focusing on lack of abundance am I focusing on the negatives and the moaning instead of the positives, what don’t I have enough of, or if I had this I could do this (usually something I fall into!). What are they!? Write this all down! “Beliefs inspire action”
You are creating your reality as you think but you may just be thinking about the wrong things.

Love Lacey. Xo

#manifestation #loa #mindset #spreadlove #happiness #dream #believe #IAMMB2019


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