ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 4月25日 05時47分

What have you done for yourself this week ladies? Be gentle with yourself and only speak words of kindness to yourself today 🧘🏽‍♀️
Words have so much power and the words we use on ourself even if we say them silently in our head affect us. Good or bad once spoken the subconscious accepts it. You then absorb it and become that.
What do you say to yourself when you step in the mirror? Every single one of us have abused ourselves with negative talk at one time or another. Unknowingly we do the same to our kids and loved ones. It’s a domino effect when your okay saying “I’m disgusting, I’m ugly” your become okay telling your kids “your stupid, your lazy” sometimes we use it in the form of a question and we tell people “are you an idiot?”
Words have the power to build people up or tear them down. It starts with you though and how you see yourself. The first step is realizing your doing this and then saying no more. The second step is to adopt morning affirmations with belief attached to them. The third step is to change your language with those around you. If you practice this a full week you’ll see how much around you starts to change.
Have you ever heard the phrase “hurt people, hurt other people” it’s true but sometimes we don’t realize we are hurting. Even more common is how do I begin to change? People who insult other people abuse themselves and feel terrible about who they are internally. Make a shift today because you are perfectly made, you just have to start believing it.
If your around someone who hurts you verbally, my love it’s time to pick up and go! My ex used to tell me I was fat, no one would want someone with 2 kids from 2 guys, he would say I was worthless and after a while I believed it. When he cheated on me he told me it was my fault and I was convinced it was. When I got away I realized how broken he was internally and it was never me, those things weren’t true. Words have power so chose yours wisely ❤️
Turn it around today ✨
#change #selflove #blessed #words #verbal #mentor #coaching #mindshift #mindset #positivevibes #abuse #guidance #women #healing


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