ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 4月25日 21時05分

Photo by Cristina Mittermeier @Cristina Mittermeier | If you’ve ever heard an orca's call, you know that they communicate using a series of clicks and whistles and pulses. But did you know that different pods have their own unique dialects, and that resident orcas are more vocal than transients? Transient orcas, like this mother and calf in the Salish Sea, are hunters who feed primarily on marine animals like seals and sea lions. These orcas hunt silently, streaking through the water without breaching or splashing for long periods, to catch their prey off guard. #FollowMe at @Cristina Mittermeier for more photos of orcas. #SalishSea #killerwhale #wildlife #nature


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