サラ・ハリスのインスタグラム(iamsarahharris) - 4月29日 17時52分

Over the past week I’ve learnt that it’s okay to not be okay. I feel like as kiwis especially we have such a “she’ll be right” “it’s all good” mentality. But it’s okay to NOT be okay.
It’s important to use our platforms to show we are the same as anyone else and that we all have shit days and we’re all not okay sometimes. I refuse to be bullied into silence, it’s also important to never allow yourself to become a victim, accept no one else’s definition of your life. Define yourself.

Do you remember that hangman game we played as kids? That game taught us that if you say the wrong thing to someone at the wrong time, it could end their life.
You don’t know what demons someone is battling, be kind. At the end of the day you don’t need to agree to be kind to one another. But be kind to the unkind, cruel people too. They need it most. Remember great minds discuss ideas, small minds discuss other people.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




