タイラー・シールズのインスタグラム(thetylershields) - 5月7日 02時58分

Moonlight Sonata. I was standing face to face with a lion, no cage, nothing between him and I but air, he heard the sound of my neighbors baby crying, and I got to see how fast the king of the jungle could move, I was instructed by the train or to put on music, I asked what should I put on, they said anything but The Rolling Stones, I cant even begin to un wrap that enigma, so I turned on a song I have loved my whole life, Moonlight Sonata from Beethoven. The lion walked back towards me forgetting the sound of the baby, now entranced by the song he stopped in front of me turned his head to look at the music and that’s when I took this. I brought the king of the jungle into my studio and I took this portrait on film on a Hasselblad 503cw. Only one frame of this moment exists and what a moment it was... Would you hang this on your wall?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



