ジョーダン・ダンのインスタグラム(jourdandunn) - 5月9日 21時23分

There is still a huge lack of awareness in our community regarding suncare .Like many I was told growing up Black people don’t need sun protection because we’re HIGHLY MELANATED 😌 yes we have more active melanin cells which gives us natural sun protection but only to a certain extent. Black people are 1.5 times more likely to die from melanoma than Caucasian people.
Yes skin cancer affects EVERYONE however people of color have been left out in this conversation for soo long now.This is why this video is so important thank you @stylistmagazine for putting this together👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 and also @blackskindirectoryuk and @dija_ayodele for your work in spreading awareness 🖤 #protectyourmelanin


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