ファイン・フレンジーのインスタグラム(alisonsudol) - 5月11日 01時14分

@alichant and I we’re sitting at the kitchen table at my friend Cam’s house in London where I was living at the time. We only had a few hours before Ali had to return to Bristol. We had a tiny Casio keyboard with little beats that has since given up the ghost - Ali did we even have any other instruments? A guitar maybe? I don’t remember. I just remember the table and the light and the beat and the baby bones of this song, and that I was in a weird state of mind - ragged, grieving, ferocious, rebellious... there was a lot happening at the time that was pushing me to my edge. But there was also this... this... love... this gratitude, this wonder at the world, bubbling up from somewhere deep at the same time. There was friendship and collaboration keeping me together. Ali C was the best. And @estuary_artists forever ♥️ Life cracked me wide open, and what a gift that turned out to be (even though it sucked at the time). So much of the crap that came flying out from long-buried depths found a home in Moonlite ✨✨✨In the roots of the runner is the impetus to finally shout fuck it after an eternity of silence. No more running, no more apologizing. The strength to look. Look at the hot place of hurt, of rejection, of pain, of history. Look and run towards it, not away. It’s the only way to really heal, I’ve discovered, even though time and time again I still find myself putting on my shoes to hightail it the other way. I am so glad to finally be able to play it for you. It’s been a long time coming. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 We are a tiny independent operation, so the more you can share the song the better. Thank you for your support 🙏🏻✨🔮🌈 much love x a


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