ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 5月17日 06時34分

Alabama @GovernorKayIvey signed the most extreme abortion ban since Roe v Wade. This isn’t a coincidence — it’s part of an attempt to ban abortion outright. And it isn’t just an attack on Alabama women, this is an attack on everyone who might or can get pregnant. #StopTheBans

25 white, male legislators in Alabama voted to take away women’s health and rights. This bill
- could jail doctors for life just for providing care
- would put women’s lives in jeopardy
- makes NO EXCEPTIONS for rape or incest -In Alabama, Black women are dying from cervical cancer at 2x the rate of white women, and from pregnancy & childbirth more than 4x as often. In the face of public health crises that are killing women, politicians are eroding health care access & jailing doctors. -We are dangerously close to a post-Roe world. It’s clear that anti-abortion politicians will say and do anything, including lie about abortion and pass extreme abortion bans, to put this crucial health care out of reach for millions of people nationwide. -We have to fight back against each and every attempt to criminalize people for simply accessing abortion care and exercising their constitutional right to abortion. Politicians don’t belong anywhere
near the exam room. #StopTheBans

Georgia and Alabama health centers have been flooded with calls from women afraid they will lose their appointments or can no longer access abortion. Know this: Abortion is STILL LEGAL in Alabama and Georgia — but we have to fight back together to keep it that way.


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