エリザベス・パーキンスのインスタグラム(elizabethperkins) - 5月20日 07時44分

PLEASE read this. #Repost @scarymommy @デブラ・メッシング
I have been an ob/gyn for almost 17 years. And I would like to invite you to come into my exam room just for a moment, to listen to the stories I have heard from women. Listen carefully to what is said to me behind closed doors. And then get the fuck out, you and your decisions about her life don’t belong there.... I can’t afford to feed my children I have now. I fear for my life. I went into heart failure with my last pregnancy. My tubes were tied, I never intended to have more kids. I’m starting grad school in a week. I had an affair and made a mistake and I don’t want to break up my family. I am alone. I had a one night stand and don’t know who the father is. I was raped. I am 13 years old. I’m 48 years old. I have breast cancer and am getting chemotherapy. My uterus ruptured during my last pregnancy. My diabetes is completely uncontrolled. This pregnancy put me in kidney failure. I have malignant melanoma. My baby has multiple anomalies. I’m worried I will kill myself if I keep this pregnancy. I don’t want a baby right now. I don’t want to be pregnant.

Here’s the thing. Even with all those statements, the truth is, it should not matter. You don’t need a reason other than, this is your choice.

My body. My choice.

And if I get sent to prison for 99 years for taking care of my patient during such a personal and difficult decision, we have gone too far!

#isupportplannedparenthood #plannedparenthood


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