ケリー・ウォルシュ・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(kerrileewalsh) - 5月21日 01時12分

This quote ... my goodness, we all need to read it and take a moment to think about it.
Things need to change. We need to remember who we are. We are all connected. We need to remember that it’s okay to disagree and that the history we have each lived and the values we were raised with, shape our opinions and perspectives. This is not a black and white world. Thank the Lord.
The issues being debated all over the world deserve thorough & honest conversations, not belittling, berating, or hateful attacks. I’m so confused by so much of the happenings that I read about or see in the media. Clearly, people want the people divided .... For all the hate that is spewed & projected at us from all angles, I KNOW that the world at large is in a great place and that there is so much more amazingness & kindness out there than anything else. That is my experience & I’m sticking with it ✨


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