タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 5月27日 00時20分

While she’s sleep I get to reflect on my life continue to mourn the loss of my mentor and father figure John Singleton and allow myself to be more present and embrace the HIGH’S cause the lows in life without knowing can STOP you from LIVING LIFE.... Let me say that again..... Life can STOP you from living LIFE...... Swipe to the second post it describes my life completely.... Do I look forward to another storm? No.... But are the fruits of faithfulness real..? I prayed some of my most intimate and specific prayers during my storm..... When shit got real everyone turned on me and I knew at that very moment that I had to invite God IN.... God stepped in and literally told me IM ALL YOU NEED... When opportunities and FAVOR starts raining down it won’t be fair..... God revealed to me.... The life and lifestyle and level of FAVOR that’s coming to you will be YOURS and not for you to share with jealous, envious and disloyal people who ONLY have their own self interest in mind......... They are only loyal to you based on WHAT they can get out of you........ This all hit me HARD and changed me forever...... God I love you and appreciate you intimately..... As talented as I am, as articulate as I am, as strong as I am I know this for a FACT.... There was NO ONE BUT YOU WHO TURNED MY LIFE AND WORLD AROUND....... I’m forever indebted to you father God!!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!!!!!! If you’re in the middle of a storm right now
Go online and read the #NewLivingTranslation
“You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings” Psalms 23:5 #MarvelMovieMorbius2020 #Fast92020 #TeddyPendergrass2021 #CelebrityGrandPrix2020 MGM #ExposureMovie2020 SonyScreenGems #NewAlbumEntitled #Intimate2020 #VoltronStudiosHollywood #VoltronTravel.com #TheInsideGameMovie2020 #ProudFatherHusband #JesusLoyalist #BeliverOfChrist


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