サミーア・アームストロングのインスタグラム(samaire.xoxo) - 5月29日 23時32分

I wanted @candiceface to do this shoulder dance with me, but because the @neworderofficial song was not obscure enough, my musically elitist best friend graciously declined. However she was kind enough to hold the camera and also did not fail to keep it real regarding the reality of what she was witnessing. Anyways I may still be able to convince her of joining me if I suggest an unreleased Prince song on the b side of an album you’ve never heard of. So if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Also, also, I am constitutionally incapable of dancing to Prince songs because, well I’m not sure why, so if you have any obscure musical suggestions outside of Prince please let me know so I can petition her to join. .
#shoulderdancechallenge #shoulderdance #shoulderworkout #yellow #candiceface #samairearmstrong #whatdayisit #neworder #prince


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