スキン・ダイアモンドのインスタグラム(rayjoycat) - 5月30日 15時11分

Had such an AMAZING time in Vegas this past weekend! 🖤Bumped into so many friends at #punkrockbowling including @masuimimax & @ophelia.rain 🖤 Hung out with my sister and @moniquepowell1 🖤 Saw the homie @timtimebomb play an awesome set and danced like a maniac!
🖤 Got to work with my sis from another Miss @somasnakeoil’s organization @the_sidewalk_project, singing with Monique, @indeclineofficial and anyone who felt like joining us while handing out care packages thanks to all of your generous donations!! It was amazing to be apart of it all and bring smiles to peoples faces!!! Check out their work, they do some fucking amazing things and Soma is one of the most badass Women I know. 🖤 Aaand last but not least thank you @santoscooks @inkedmag & @taolasvegas for an amazing day hanging with friends in the sun! I didn’t take many pics because bikinis don’t have pockets. If ya’ll have pics from the weekend, send ‘em! I always forget when I’m having fun.. Haha
Love you all!! 🤘🏾🖤☠️ #rayjoycat #inkedsundays #thesidewalkproject #rancid #punkrock #whathappensinvegas


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