アドリアーノゴールドシュミットのインスタグラム(agjeans) - 5月31日 06時25分

When we talk about a great pair of denim or the perfect shirt, what are we really talking about? If we take it back to the very beginning – the concept – we have to delve into the earliest stages of our denim process: the designers. At AG, we don’t design into trendy, fast fashion pieces. We believe in slow fashion – the things that get better over time, the things that become classics, and how we can better that tradition.
To understand how AG approaches design, we enlisted the help of 3 designers to see what makes them tick, where they find their inspiration, and what their favorite AG pieces are. Head to our IGTV or agjeans.com to see the latest edition of our More Than series, Modern Design.


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