ニーナ・メルセデスのインスタグラム(lifewithmariza) - 6月16日 06時48分

Society will try and convince you that the only way to be happy is to conform to their standards. Go to school, go to more school, then work your whole life away.
I’ve never been good at school or at a 9-5 job. I don’t like people telling me what to do. I find a madness in sitting in a room with rows of desks listening to someone explain one way of thought. Coloring outside the lines is not allowed. Free thoughts are frowned upon. History books infuriate me to no extent. I finished the 8th grade and dropped out. I was always in trouble for speaking out or being disruptive anyway.
I had several jobs growing up and always felt like a failure because I couldn’t adjust to work, home, work, home, weekend... yayee!! I wanted to create, I wanted to think freely, I wanted to lead I didn’t want to follow, I wanted to live life and travel. I had no idea my behaviors pointed to an entrepreneur. I wasn’t a failure I was just born with a different set of genes.
As an entrepreneur I get to travel, I get time freedom, I get to create, I earn what I want. Herbalife offered me the opportunity to excel with my natural ability. They didn’t ask me for a background check, my level of education and they don’t put expectations on me. I paid a very low fee for an opportunity to create the life I wanted to live based on my own efforts.
If you were like me struggling through school and life just know your not a failure. I don’t think we’re all made to live life one way. There is an opportunity for you and there is hope for an amazing future. Herbalife doesn’t care if your ex convict or a Princeton graduate we all have an opportunity and everyone is welcome.
Who knew that his 8th grade drop out born to drug addicts in poverty would be a six figure earner. Part of the top 2% highest earners in Herbalife. All I do is help people get healthy and teach them to earn an income duplicating my process. I just needed an opportunity. ❤️ Living my best life and full of GRATITUDE!! _
#oahu #hawaii #luckywelivehawaii #island #islandgirl #latina #bikini


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