ローラ・カークのインスタグラム(lolakirke) - 6月17日 05時15分

Over the years I’ve been pretty sarcastic in my Father’s Day posts but I’m beginning to finally get over my teen angst and your mistakes and just be so so grateful to be your kid. I love your Homer Simpson sense of humor, how easily you cry at kids movies, and how you always listen to me and ask the right questions but then forget everything I said which is totally cool because then I can tell you the same story over and over again and you always seem fascinated. I think it’s funny how you put honey in your black coffee and milk in your pasta and how you’re beginning to dress like you shop at the geriatric edition of Hot Topic, (but that’s ok—a lot of the people in your field seem to!) Thanks for picking me up from school everyday and making me soft boiled eggs and soldiers every morning and thanks for taking me to see Levon Helm so many times and pretending you didn’t know how stoned I was while I did the same for you. Onwards. I love you daddy.

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