Electric_Fishingのインスタグラム(electric_fishing) - 6月19日 09時29分

Today is National Go Fishing Day. We want to celebrate with Captain @duanediego who is on the water almost every day of the year. Most of Captain @duanediego ’s time on the water is spent running his charter business, consistently putting his clients on fish and sharing the stoke. Every year just before the West Coast’s season kicks into gear, Duane sneaks down to San Quintin, Baja California, to hang and fish with his friends from @bajafishingfamily -because it’s always nice to just hang and catch a few yourself with friends.

@duanediego wears the Tech One XL Sport for full light blockage and sun protection while it’s melanin infused polarized lenses cut glare and give you the best on water experience you’ve ever seen. © @electric @Electric_Fishing
#NationalGoFishingDay #ElectricTechOne #StyleThatPerforms #ElectricSunglasses #PolarizedSunglasses #Fishing


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



