@LONDON | TAG #THISISLONDONのインスタグラム(london) - 6月19日 18時44分

@MrLondon at 23 #Eastcheap - built in 1861 and now cowering under the #WalkieTalkie. Once home to Messrs.’ Hunt & Crombie. Now... Joe & The Juice 😊 Look up into the eaves and you’ll spot dogs 🐶 and pigs 🐷 heads. And on the Philpot Lane side you’ll find two little mice 🐭 fighting over a piece of cheese! 🧀 Allegedly mice were stealing the builders lunches back in the day. OR another tale goes that two builders accused each other of stealing the others lunch, when it was the mice all along, and a fight resulted in them plunging to their deaths below. 🤷🏻‍♂️ We may never know the real reason for the little mice being honoured on the side of building. But it’s something to look out for next time you pass. And all we know is... #ThisIsLondon ☺️❤️🙏🏼


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