Kaylee Ricciardiのインスタグラム(kayleericciardi) - 6月21日 10時46分

Sooo this is big for me... For the first time in my life I will be showing my artwork off to the public. I’ve always been a bit secretive and protective of my art. On social media I show off my body, modeling work and and a bit of my social/personal life. I put a large portion of my life on here for everyone to judge.... However, I’ve always had my hesitations about putting something this personal out there— in fear of being misunderstood. I wanted to be a part of this awesome project with @kfishla to learn and grow with his guidance. This process gave me the “fuck it” confidence to show you all what I got. This Saturday from 7-10pm I will be showing off four paintings. Come check em out and maybe take them home if you really feel some type of way. Looking forward to seeing you all there 🖤


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





Kaylee Ricciardiを見た方におすすめの有名人