ミシェル・フォーブスのインスタグラム(iammichelleforbes) - 6月25日 06時08分

These children can’t wait for us to ‘vote’...or wait for our flaccid government to act. They are suffering & dying in US custody NOW. I don’t know what the answer is but I know we are now repeating history and we must do something. @shaunking humanized the six children that have died in US custody (that we know of...) by identifying them and giving them a face and a name. It has sent a shiver down my spine.
I, like you, stand horrified and impotent in my actions.
I urge you to follow & donate to @together.rising & @raicestexas & @shaunking and amplify this horror in any way you can.
I have a but a small following and my heart has always been initially with animal rights and the grave incomprehensible suffering that persists for those innocents. But It’s all the same. The Nazis used ‘animals’ in their language and their system of herding & ‘cattle transport’. We must stop this. I don’t know how. But we must mobilize somehow.
I don’t understand social media...it somehow ended up I used instagram for art and fun and friends and I scream at our broken political world on twitter. But now I see we don’t have a choice. Dark times.
For all of you who followed me because of our convo on Shawn’s feed...thank you but don’t be dissatisfied if my content is shallow. ・・・

13,100 children are imprisoned right now in federal custody — alone, without their families -- facing horrifying neglect and abuse.
Today, we will give these kids a defender who will step in front of the abuse they are facing, a protector who will ensure that the atrocities end, and an advocate who will make sure those responsible are held accountable. .

Holly Cooper, co-director of the Immigration Law Clinic at UC Davis,
and her team have inspected more than 30 detention centers over the last few years, saving countless kids.
Last month, their legal team found a premature infant so ill she would have died without immediate treatment. Their lawyers and doctors fought federal authorities to transport the baby to the hospital. And saved her life. Same with 3 more gravely ill toddlers.
The team is finding kids held in solitary


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