タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 6月30日 20時02分

God you are so unreal your “favor” has shown up in many forms...... Of ALL people who could of popped up on me I’m London..?? Who’s here.?? My Mom and Dad...?? Who..?? My pastors..? The man who MARRIED me and my wife..? The man who we did pre-marital counseling...... I couldn’t post any pictures from the #Fast9 set..... ( this pic was taken inside of Dom’s Garage to our right was a mean mean machine ) But they came to visit and now I’m here on Sunday morning in CHURCH!!!! Keep in mind this ALL happened on our first week of FILMING #FAST9 this movie is already blessed!!!!!!!! Dr Creflo Dollar @iamcreflodollar Mother who is pure LOVE @taffidollar - Come to find out this was my brother Jeremy’s first movie set visit......


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




