マイケル・ミュラーのインスタグラム(michaelmuller7) - 7月2日 03時02分

ZOOM in on the image and look at the power, the teeth on this beauty. Check out the water ripping from the face!!! Photos don’t do this animal justice, you really need to witness them in the wild to grasp just how BIG they are. How commanding they are and how much respect they deserve. Millions of years of evolution perfected. To leave the comfort of a steel cage and dive with 8-10 of these sharks swimming around the 3 of us is something words just can’t describe, the only word that comes to mind is ALIVE. That’s what you feel in those moments, more alive then I’ve ever experienced, maybe because they aren’t eating me like I’ve been brainwashed to believe. I don’t suggest doing this at all, the 3 of us have over 100 years experience under water between the 3 of us and tens of thousands of hours with sharks on a scientific expedition. With that said it’s a moment in life I’ll treasure for all my days. #grateful


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