アンナ・シルクのインスタグラム(anna.silk) - 7月2日 09時49分

#Repost @michaelfmoore
Happy Canadian 4th of July! These Canadians are always having to prove they’re “different” than us. They won’t celebrate Thanksgiving in November when it’s supposed to be! Their 4th of July is on July 1st! Dumb! And they pay no co-pays, no deductibles — in fact, there are no doctor bills - EVER! You cannot get a gun clip that will hold a hundred bullets! They’re so backwards, they still use paper ballots when they vote! Their president has so little to do, he wanders around the airport greeting immigrants and refugees. Seriously! Today’s their “independence” day — which they achieved without killing a single British soldier! Wusses! And what are they doing instead of fireworks for tonight? Releasing doves? Are they even a real country? People are dying just waiting in line to see doctor! So what if they live 5 years longer than we do? You call that living? Give us our basketball trophy back!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



