Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 7月2日 23時59分

Don Mauricio Sulaiman, President of the World Boxing Council, is celebrating today his first anniversary of the same surgery that I went through. Like a true Warrior, he overcame, and everyday he walks to maintain his health. Today, he dedicated his walk to me. He called me when I was in the hospital and whole heartedly gave me the best advice and support. Our surgery creates a lot of mental and physical stress, and he, very humanely, helped me accept the situation, and once that happened, I was back to my usual self (Not body wise yet) . Can’t wait for my next and final surgery in a couple of months in order to be perfect. I want to thank Don Mauricio, as well as all of you, for giving me the strength to carry on. Without you, my body wouldn’t exist. Again, thank you from the bottom of my Heart...
#WBCWALK #QueRicoCaminarporlamaana #bjwt #1ao #ThankYou #ThinkBlue #PapaBearChronicles @wbcmoro

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