ベアトリサ・リャンのインスタグラム(bebe_liang) - 7月4日 03時11分

Still on a high from #NationalTOI19... What an incredible week with an incredible team! They laid their souls out on the ice, and no matter what the judges gave them, I could not have asked for anything more. I have never seen or felt such raw emotion come from any team.

@lait_juniorteam, you have truly inspired me this year. I'm so grateful that I had the chance to be in that moment with you. Every single one of you showed what a team is about--passion, friendship, and dedication.I hope the fire you feel inside now burns bright and long. 💜🖤 @lait_seniorteam, thank you for allowing me to tag along for the end of this crazy ride of a season! I feel blessed to have been able to share the ice with each of you. You have shown me what skating is in its truest form--art. 💜🖤 Thank you @createdbydanelle, #jennybrenson, @tiff_aj, and every @laicetheater parent for trusting me with these skaters. You are always so supportive of my visions and help to elevate them to more than I thought they could be. 💜🖤 Ugh.. Ok, I'll stop gushing now.


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