カミラ・カベロのインスタグラム(camila_cabello) - 7月4日 08時51分

This is insane. Imagine any little kid in your family, or any family member you know living in these conditions- going days and days without showering, brushing your teeth, sleeping on cold concrete floors with aluminum foil in a room overcrowded with people. There’s no way our law system can justify this. I’ve been outspoken about immigration and my story, and I don’t understand how someone can justify this cruelty. These people are no different than you. They’re trying to do the right thing for their family just like every person on this planet would. They are fleeing from danger and trying to protect their little ones. They are doing what any person in their position would do. But that doesn’t even matter. It’s irrelevant. What you think about immigration is irrelevant, because this is NOT about politics. It’s not about whether you think immigration is right or wrong. This is about dehumanizing people and treating them like animals. This is about children being dehydrated, getting sick, having fevers, 4 year olds being separated from their parents. Women not being able to have a shower or brush their teeth in weeks. Imagine anybody you know living in conditions like that. This is not about politics. Don’t choose sides, choose children. Choose humanity. #CLOSETHECAMPS #CLOSETHECAMPS #CLOSETHECAMPS

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