マイケル・ドーソンのインスタグラム(mrmikedawson) - 7月15日 19時48分

This incredible display of power on the Kwanza River has been hidden away behind the curtain of a 27 Year civil war. Since 2002 tourism visas to Angola were unobtainable and having visitors wasn’t a priority in a country struggling to rebuild itself, while the government of the time lined their pockets with the profits of corporations ravaging the natural resources. Fast forward to 2018 & a new honest government means times are changing. We arrived at this horizon line at the end of Day 1, getting out just upstream of this wonder of the world. The places our kayaks take us engraining memories for a lifetime 🙏🏿 The next challenge was finding a way back to the river without stepping on a landmine 💥


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