サマー・レイのインスタグラム(daniellemoinet) - 7月16日 08時08分

Nothing is real other than human connection & experiences. Social media is not real. A list at work ranking top performers doesn’t really matter. The way you make people feel is real. How you leave a room & did you add value to it? Spending time with the ones you care about & making memories. That is what matters. Today we are told that everything is a popularity contest. We feel that pressure socially & professionally. It can consume & overwhelm you. But it’s important to remember that that is not true.

Which is hard for me at times to actually comprehend fully bc I place a lot of my identity in my career. I always have. Even before WWE & being called a whole different name (talk about an identity crisis) I correlated success with my career. I am trying to break myself of that. Because I know I am way more than what an industry defines me as. I am more than a career. Who I am at my core doesn’t have anything to do with that at all. My morals, my values, my beliefs. But man if this world doesn’t tell you otherwise.

Human connection, experiences, making memories, living life in real life & not a cyber world...THAT is what is so important. ❤️ I am thankful for my friends & family. Those few I have let in & that know me fully. I want to make more time for you. Because that’s what matters the most!


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