アナリン・マッコードのインスタグラム(theannalynnemccord) - 7月18日 00時15分

This is the kind of closure I’m bringing into my 32nd year. We‘re taught to hold on to our pain. We‘re taught to “never forget”. We are taught these things with the belief that if we keep track of what’s happened we can’t get hurt again.
Well, first the fuck of all, that is some bulllllshit.com. One thing I can promise you, you WILL get hurt again. The point that NO ONE bothers to teach us (or to help us see) is how much stronger we are that ‘next time’ we get hurt. What society does not like to teach is that when someone hurts us it‘s a lot less about us and a lot more about them. The problem with believing that “being wronged is nothing” only comes when we need external validation of our pain. — if I need you to say to me, “That is so horrible, what you went through! you poor thing,” then I MUST remember all the times I’ve been wronged and therefore being wrong IS something. To me. It’s something that allows me to get sympathy. Sympathy which is VERY DIFFERENT than support. Support we must have to heal and move forward. Sympathy can become addictive. I know. Trust me. I used to cut up my arms because I was so numb. I just wanted to feel something. Then, one day a guy I liked noticed my cuts. I tried to hide them but he grabbed my wrist. He freaked out and started pouring out all of this sympathy - I felt like I was being loved. I felt like someone finally cared. Did that make me stop harming. No. I started cutting more. I’d pull my sleeve up a bit so he might see it again. Because maybe he‘d love me again. It felt so good to have someone react with concern for me. I just wanted to feel it again. And again. Not his fault AT ALL, but his reaction was not support. And the way I perceived it made me want to keep hurting myself to feel his sympathy again and again. When we hold on to how we’ve “been wronged” we cut ourselves over and over just with someone else’s knife. But WE are the ones doing the cutting. I’m done hurting myself. I’m done remembering wrongs. Justice is important, but not at the expense of my healing.
The only validation that will ever truly validate you is your own. The only love that will save you is the love already inside you. i❤️u2 tho:)


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