マヌー・ベネットのインスタグラム(manubennett) - 7月19日 20時32分

5.3 Magnitude Earthquake just shook Athens & foundations of The Acropolis. Whilst standing 20 metres from the main structure, I suddenly heard the deep rumbling of the quake, then witnessed the giant marble columns of The Acropolis start to sway, the supportive scaffolding began to rattle & clang like some garbage can band. The incident lasted around 10 seconds during which I heard one official yelling "Get down". I look down momentarily at the giant marble boulder beneath my feet & it was actually moving, swelling up from the ground. In the minute that followed the air over the city of Athens became a cacophony of police sirens. In the distance, immediately after the quake, along a street to the north of Athens City, a large plume of dust could be seen rising into the air. Further east a huge black smoke cloud. Praying no lives were lost but it appears at least one major building collapsed. Sirens could be heard in multiple directions so damage could be more widespread. People in general are doing the usual taking videos & communicating with phones this incredible incident. Amazing to witness in the detail of swaying columns how one of the worlds oldest ancient sites weathered the incident, a testament to its architectural integrity. Funnily enough a fan of my TV show Arrow came up to me a few miments after & asked me to record a video for his friend in the US. I said in the Deathstroke voice of Slade Wilson, "Were lucky to be alive KID!" @tvnz.official @breakfaston1 @nzherald @reuters @bbcnews @theirishnews @aljazeeraenglish


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