タイ航空のインスタグラム(thaiairways) - 7月22日 01時56分

“Steamed Bird Shaped Dumplings” is a traditional Thai snack that some Thais nowadays might have never seen before. This snack has been known since the Ayutthaya period. At that time, it was known by its original name as “Kà-Nŏm Sâi Mŏo”, which means a slice of ground pork wrapped by white powder sheet. Moreover, it also counts as one of the favorite desserts of His Majesty the King Phra Phuttha Loet Napalai or King Rama II of Thailand. at some point in the history, the topmost part of the meat wrapping white powder sheet had been decorated to look like a bird’s head. From then on, this kind of snack has been known as “Steamed Bird Shaped Dumplings”.
#ThaiAirways #ThaiSnack #ThaiFood


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