シャンテル・ヴァンサンテンのインスタグラム(therealshantel) - 7月25日 22時00分

The first day of a continuing journey, marked by a number (this thing called age). I always take time to reflect without judgement on this last years journey before I move forward.

I realize each year I think I am going to feel or see some radical reinvention or reveltaion of self. Instead looking back I see a steady evolution happening. An unfolding and discovery of myself. Its taken time. Its taken navigating trials of the heart which have almost broken me to humbling celebrating moments I thought only existed in my dreams. The lessons and awareness I have gained keep guiding me to stay present in this journey. I remember being 23 and having this exact thought “I know everything I could possibly need to know from this life! I have already experienced it all!” Wow was I wrong... and happily so! I am grateful for all the growth that has brought me to the door of 34 and step into it with sustained steady purpose. Thankful for another day. Another chance.
We are born full of PURE love. Where ever life had lead us, at our core we are made to be examples of love, to ourselves and others. So today I remember to share my heart. To live my purpose of owning my light and letting it inspire others. Seeing each day an opportunity to live more authentically and wholly. To find joy through a grateful heart!
Thank you to each of you for your love and wishes today. This journey is better shared so THANK YOU! XO #ThisIsThirtyFour


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




