サッシャ・ディギーリアンのインスタグラム(sashadigiulian) - 8月5日 20時43分

I spent the morning in my tent, listening to the eclectic jungle noises of the creatures living in the vast canopy, as the rain pounded down, feeling a sense of extraordinary gratitude. Thinking back to when I was a six year old, discovering climbing in a rock gym at my brother’s birthday party, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine where it would take me. -
The exploratory vehicle that climbing has provided, the potential to discover and to learn about new places around the world, and the beauty these places offer, makes me smile with curiosity and excitement. -
I am really proud to be here, in a place I didn’t even know existed on a map, with a team of badass women that I organized into a team. I feel so inspired by our world and I woke up today feeling something different. It was this light sensation that this is just the beginning. It’s easy to get trapped in the minutia of a climb, to worry about sending and conditions, weather letting up, my own ability to climb... but in the end, does it really all matter as much as the journey? -
I have had so many different experiences within my own career of climbing. I’ve felt these ups and downs from ‘on-paper’ success, to disappointment, divisive let down, to total exuberance and disbelief that comes with achieving what I didn’t know I was capable of. -
Climbing has shaped me and continues to shape me, but I think it’s not just the physical act of climbing, it’s this experience of it. I look back to points in my career that I’m not as proud of; from immaturity to just not being as aware of my surroundings, and I also look back to my past with a sense of dignity and strength, knowing that I have upheld my own values. -
I am not perfect and I am still learning, but through moments of stillness, through new scenarios and exploration, I feel this confidence that everything is the way that it should be in these moments. -
Photo by @sav.cummins


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