ブリトニー・ワードのインスタグラム(brittnybutton) - 8月9日 00時56分

As breastfeeding week comes to a close, I’d like to send love and strength to all the new mamas out there. This photo is me after a good, well deserved cry. Being a Mama is HARD! Sleep deprivation, raw nipples, bleeding vag, back pain, emotional and physical stress. The list goes on! Women are so fucking strong and deserve credit for all that we go through. That being said, moments like these make it all worth it. My little cub nuzzled in my arms, it’s heaven. There really is no better feeling. There’s no other love like this! Also, shout out to the supportive papa bears out there. Women who have supportive partners are more likely to succeed at breastfeeding. So cry mama’s if you need to, you’re doing amazing ❤️ #breastfeeding #newmom #reborn #newborn


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