エヴァンジェリン・リリーのインスタグラム(evangelinelillyofficial) - 8月15日 17時52分

I think as a child, adulthood felt like a definitive point in time. It seemed like once I got there I’d know it and my circumstances at that point would define what kind of an adult I had become.
As it turns out, adulthood is a continuum that stretches out indefinitely in front of me till I die.
What kind of an adult am I? I don’t know. I suppose it depends on when, along the continuum, you ask me. I’m still working on it.

Right now, I am an enormous, shifting contradiction. I feel so weak and yet I am so strong. I feel so discouraged from my drive and yet so rewarded by it. I feel so uncertain and unreliable and yet I’ve never felt more stable or knowing. Wisdom hurts, doesn’t it? Hence the stillness.
#childhood #adulthood #age #aging #wisdom #knowing #pain #uncertainty #stillness


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