ナタリー・エマニュエルのインスタグラム(nathalieemmanuel) - 8月19日 04時07分

This is my friend @elarica and she is one of the most beautiful human beings you will ever meet... inside and out. As you can see from this photo, we smile and laugh a lot when we are together.

Last night, after months of not seeing her because she was off killing it in her new show @pvalleystarz... we reunited, as it’s her birthday next week and she HAD to be celebrated!! We’ve come up through this mad industry together and have always had each other’s back. I love you loads and am lucky to have you as my friend. I am so excited to see all the wonderful things coming to you. You deserve everything good.
#HappyBirthdayEla #sisterfromanothermister #curlqueens #theloveissoreal #bighairdontcare


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Danielle Sharpのインスタグラム
Danielle Sharpさんがフォロー
