Shilaのインスタグラム(shila_the_pom) - 8月21日 23時30分

Hello all 👋🏼😃 we are sorry that ,the video is not about us 🙈But mommy wanted to share with you. Paparazzi mom works all the time even we are not around 😉..The video was taken couple months ago by mommy and she finds so funny 😃..Cute stray dog grabbed sissy Maya and friend's ball then left! Our pawfriend won! 💪🏼😎👏🏼😂 p.s dont feel sorry about him,he is the one of lucky stray dogs. Because all restaurants take care of him, there 🤗Happy humpday all 😃❤️😘 // Bu video bizimle ilgili degil ama paparazzi annem sizinle paylasmak istedi.. 😃..Bu sirin arkadasimiz ablamiz Maya ve arkadasinin topunu kapti ve inatla vermedi. Ortaya komik goruntuler cikti 😃..Ve tabiki dostumuz kazandi 😎💪🏼


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




