野口啓代さんのインスタグラム写真 - (野口啓代Instagram)「私の最後の世界選手権が終わりました。 初めて出場した世界選手権が2005年、16歳の時。 30歳で迎える9回目の世界選手権でした。* * コンバインド2位 ボルダー2位 リード5位 スピード34位でした。 * * 最後の世界選手権、優勝することは出来ませんでしたが、3つの単種目、コンバインド予選、そしてコンバインド決勝とすべての競技を満足するパフォーマンスで終えることが出来ました。 コンバインド決勝では、最初のスピードで失敗するもあまりダメージはなく、ボルダーの時には完全にスイッチが入って今シーズンの中でも最高の状態でした。最後のリードでは完登することは出来ませんでしたが、あんなに振り絞れて驚いています。ずっとずっと2位だったので、コンバインドのボルダーとはいえ初めて1位をとれたことが1番嬉しいです。* * 最後と決めた世界選手権そして東京オリンピックの代表権のかかるこの大会で自分はどんな登りができるんだろうと考えていました。1人でいるときは不安で押し潰されそうでした。でも、観客の前に立つと不思議と力が湧いてきて、私はやっぱりクライミングが大好きで、大会が大好きで、あと1年登りたいという気持ちしかなかったです。* * 日本人で最初に五輪内定を頂くことができ、ここからの1年は金メダルだけを狙います。* * 共に戦ってきた仲間達に恥じない努力を重ね、人間的にも実力的にも成長し、東京オリンピックに向けて頑張りますので引き続き応援お願いします!* * * My one last World Championships was ended. Remembering the first time, I was 16 y.o. in 2005. I'm now 30 y.o. It was the 9th World Championships in my career* * * I could not get the gold in the end, yet I'm fully satisfied with my performance in 3 single disciplines and Combined qualification/final. After Speed of Combined, I was left behind in the race, but I was not afraid. When Bouldering started, I was totally switched and felt me in the season best condition. In the last Lead, I could not get the top, but I've never thought about me making last strong moves by moves. I've always been in the 2nd place through this season, so I'm so happy to get 1st position in Boulder, even tough it was in Combined.* * I was under so much pressure when I stayed alone in the back of the wall. However, when I stood in front of cheering huge crowd, I could feel supernatural power inside me and I realized that I love climbing, love competitions and want to climb for one more year. * I became the first Japanese Olympic sport climbing athlete. The Olympics gold medal is only the aim in the next year.* * I will practice hard respecting my friends who's been fighting together. I will be stronger as a person and a climber. Let me climb in Tokyo2020 Olympic games with your Gamba!! Thank you!!* * * photo by @climbersjp  @au_official #大和証券 @thenorthfacejp @orientalbaio #三井不動産 @cowsoapcp #zeta  @c3fit @lasportivajp @petzl_official  @newhale_japan」8月22日 15時05分 - noguchi_akiyo

野口啓代のインスタグラム(noguchi_akiyo) - 8月22日 15時05分

My one last World Championships was ended.
Remembering the first time, I was 16 y.o. in 2005.
I'm now 30 y.o. It was the 9th World Championships in my career*
I could not get the gold in the end, yet I'm fully satisfied with my performance in 3 single disciplines and Combined qualification/final.
After Speed of Combined, I was left behind in the race, but I was not afraid. When Bouldering started, I was totally switched and felt me in the season best condition.
In the last Lead, I could not get the top, but I've never thought about me making last strong moves by moves.
I've always been in the 2nd place through this season, so I'm so happy to get 1st position in Boulder, even tough it was in Combined.*
I was under so much pressure when I stayed alone in the back of the wall.
However, when I stood in front of cheering huge crowd, I could feel supernatural power inside me and I realized that I love climbing, love competitions and want to climb for one more year.
I became the first Japanese Olympic sport climbing athlete. The Olympics gold medal is only the aim in the next year.*
I will practice hard respecting my friends who's been fighting together. I will be stronger as a person and a climber.
Let me climb in Tokyo2020 Olympic games with your Gamba!! Thank you!!*
photo by @climbersjp
@au公式Instagramアカウント #大和証券 @THE NORTH FACE JAPAN @orientalbaio #三井不動産 @cowsoapcp #zeta @c3fit @lasportivajp @petzl_official @newhale_japan


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