ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 9月5日 06時20分

Repost from @karmagawa We must all do what we can to help those in need so here are our co-founders @badboi and @ティモシー・サイクス announcing $40,000 in donations from The Karmagawa Foundation to @earthalliance and @rainforestalliance to help curb deforestation and fight fires in the rainforest in South America and to @wckitchen and @teamrubicon that are already on the ground helping many individuals and families affected by Hurricane Dorian down in the Bahamas. Each charity will receive $10,000 from us to help further the incredible work they’re doing and we encourage you to check them out and donate to them too because while our planet is facing a great many challenges right now, we believe we can truly make the world a better place by working together and hard-working organizations like these do so much good so they deserve all the support they can get! Please keep sharing our videos/posts to help us spread awareness about these important issues to get more people involved and let’s use our social media platforms to change the world! #teamwork #newdonations #karmagawa


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




