ペイジー・クラッセンのインスタグラム(paigeclaassen) - 9月17日 00時46分

Its finally been getting frosty in Rifle, which means summer is over and fall is (nearly) here! I'm sure we can all agree that summer is the worst season ever, so thank goodness it's over. On the down side, finishing your warmups when its 38 degrees outside is...cold. That's when we initiate the misery burn, which is a pre-warmup lap to activate screaming barfies, so that when the blood returns to your hands, they are finally warm enough for a proper warmup. Last week's misery burn included taking twice on a 5.11 before lowering at the 5th bolt. The goal of the misery burn is to numb out, and it only required two-hanging a 5.11 to achieve that. Fun times with @neelyquinn!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



