トーレイ・デヴィートのインスタグラム(torreydevitto) - 9月19日 08時28分

This is what I imagine a soul looks like. I believe we all have this beautiful ball of light in each of our chests. It’s all the same. No ones light is greater or brighter than anyone else’s. This ball of light is what keeps us connected. Keeps us one and the same. •••• Sometimes being a human can be so challenging! There is so much to be angry about. So much to be sad or frustrated about. But if we could just remember that we are all connected by this one luminous ball of light, i think we would start being a little kinder to each other. •••• Whenever someone is upsetting me, i look at them and imagine that ball of light beaming from their chest. I remember that they are a part of me and I am a part of them. No one is exempt from this. No one is inherently mean or bad. No soul can be anything but pure love. It’s the human condition that makes us so. I like to imagine the human condition as plaque that builds over the soul, and some people just have more plaque build up than others.••• If you can look at things through that perspective, then every circumstance or encounter is a chance to grow! It doesn’t mean you have to allow unhealthy behavior. Not at all. You have the free will to always say something is not ok and ask for it to not be in your life. But you can also always do so with love, compassion and kindness - and most of all, forgiveness. Because forgiveness is the true key to peace and happiness. #lovemore #onlylove #itsapractice #oneness #weareallconnected #light #soul #beauty #life #liveinlove #glow


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